Beijing Events

Fu Jingyan's "Watch Out For Snakes" at MoCube Gallery

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Multiple dates 10:00 am - Toggle calendar
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Fu Jingyan is a self-taught artist, meaning never trained in the academy.  His art projects and paintings have been exhibited in several major galleries in Beijing.  Far from trying to visually reflect the beauty of these figurative objects, convey his thoughts or uncover metaphor, all paintings of 'Watch out for Snakes' attempt to immerse the audience in pure and intense feelings, moods, and intuitions through wild brushstrokes, carefully selected colors, irrational compositions, and some written Chinese characters.  He didn't mean to spread anxiety but to indulge himself in drawing at the studio during the pandemic lockdowns to confront a state of fear and boredom.  -- By Li Jin Cici

"Often I think about painting and its role in my life in an environment other than the studio. Try to deal with these bits and pieces in daily life, not to obey them but to find a “hard” or ambiguous thing that speaks for the romance and hope in the hardship of the journeys. Then slowly digest it, and finally, present it. In this process, expressions are used deliberately in the hope that the work will capture this spirit."   

--- By Artist Fu Jingyan
