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"Sociology of Painting"

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Tang Contemporary Art Center is pleased to announce the launch of the solo exhibition "Sociology of Painting" by renowned artist Zhu Jinshi at 4 p.m. on April 29 at 4 Second Space in Beijing 。 The exhibition focuses on the artist's abstract paintings, including and continuing his "thick painting" series, acrylic-medium thick paintings, and small-scale oil paintings, totaling more than 798 works.

Sociology, beginning in Weber's time, has generally studied politics, economics, ideas, power, and rules, including the intellectual theories of Marx before him, and postmodernist philosophy after him. Harrington once said about the relationship between art and sociology: "Art tends to subvert the scientific image of the world, while sociology is committed to dissolving the intoxicating mysteries of social life; While art is intended to oppose materialistic explanations of life, sociology aims to reveal how seemingly unique things are constructed and reproduced by society. "Art sociologists study the interaction between art and sociology, two opposing disciplines. And painting, can also become a direct research object of sociology, rather than the study of society through painting. This is also the migration to the field of art of the social picture that Becker shows that understands the sociology of art as symbolic interactionism. We can assume that by observing the different phenomena of painting in the art market and system, we can find a theory of Chinese contemporary art, or use this as a narrative of art history. This kind of thinking has a direction - that is, the contemporaneity of painting. To see the fate of contemporary painting, it is necessary to understand the established conditions peculiar to the moment, because it is these conditions that trigger the spontaneous creative act of the painter, and the essence of life is to create new things using established conditions, materials, forces and opportunities. Zhu Jinshi said: "Contemporary Chinese painting is still only a product of the market, not only by us, but also in Europe and the United States. So, we don't have an exhibition of paintings with global influence, and the West is constantly emerging. Is it because we have a problem with painting? Definitely not, the problem is that we lack a theory that we can trust. The so-called sociology of painting is to express such a view. ”
