Beijing Events

A Reflective Look at the History and Future of Education, and Our Role in Shaping It

Awaiting moderation
Apr 20 19:00 pm -
Event QR Code
Embassy of Romania 2, Ritan East Road, Chaoyang District, 100600, Beijing

This talk will start with a macro reflection of the history of the US and Chinese education systems as context for understanding the current state of education and the potential future model. Living in a current world with expounding technological advances, overlayed with global challenges such as rapidly rising inequalities and grave sustainability challenges, is giving rise to a potentially different model of education for the future. What type of education do you think is needed for a better world? What role can each of us play in educating our children or contributing to the educational landscape? We hope this talk will engage people in a reflection and discourse that inspires us to be part of the path shaping the future of education.


Elizabeth Walker Sobhani

Elizabeth Walker Sobhani is the Director of Social Innovation at the Ivy Group and the Cofounder of the Qi Social Innovation Center in Beijing. She is passionate about creating social impact and inspiring youth and adults to do the same. With a background in social impact consulting, combined with educational leadership experience, she has a unique blend of tools and strategies that can empower youth to be positive change-makers.

Elizabeth has advised leading NGOs, schools, and social enterprises in North America, Australia, and the Greater China region. She is also a certified Emotional Intelligence Educator and a Shared Value Consultant, and has been a guest speaker at conferences in North America, Asia, and Europe.

Previously, Elizabeth was a consultant with Bain & Co, and was also the VP of Global Strategy for a multinational insurance company, where she helped shape their philanthropic educational programs.


We would like to remind you that it is necessary to register before each event by writing to

Reservations are valid only upon receipt of a confirmation e-mail from BIS.

The latest registration is midday (12.00 pm) on Wednesday, 19 April 2023. We cannot accept RSVPs after this time.

BIS events are open to foreign passport holders only; please remember to bring your passport.

Registration will be closed when we reach the venue’s maximum capacity.

The registration fee is RMB 100 at the registration desk; students with valid ID are RMB 50. 

The registration desk will open at 18:15 for the 19:00 lecture.

The Embassy gate will close at 19:00.

There will be one more pick-up of guests at 19:15. 

The event is scheduled until 21:00.

All BIS events are OFF-the-record. Photography, filming, and recording are not permitted.

Thank you for your cooperation! 

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