"Stop playing and eat breakfast!"
"Go and get dressed, now! We're going to be late!"
"Brush your teeth! Open your mouth! Just stay still!"
"How many times do I have to tell you?!!"
Before you had kids did you ever imagine hearing yourself this way, engaged in the same daily battles day in, and day out? Sometimes do you just feel more like a drill sergeant in the army barking commands and orders, than the loving, kind, relaxed parent that you always dreamed you would be?
I don't know about you, but no one ever really told me that parenting would be this HARD and this FRUSTRATING.
But what if I told you it doesn't have to be.
Your little ones are happily cooperating to brush their teeth, eat their food, and get dressed. You are sitting on the sofa in the morning, enjoying your coffee in peace. Your older kids have already got themselves breakfast, tidied up and got themselves ready for the day.
Less fights between siblings, more cooperation, more laughter instead of yelling, chores being done without resistence and arguing and procrastination.
You can’t even remember the last time you nagged because you have awesome strategies in place to deal with recurring issues.
Sounds impossible right?
I’ve been reflecting on the last year, and how much more I am enjoying parenting.
In our home, sibling conflicts are happening way less often (something I never thought possible), the kids are cooperating more and helping out more around the house, and we feel closer as a family unit.
But it wasn’t always like this.
In fact, up until a year ago I was tearing my hair out with the fighting, and I was growing resentful of the fact that I always felt like I was nagging. I knew all the “right” things to "do", but I couldn’t seem to get on track.
What truly transformed our home was (and is) the use of more Positive Discipline tools in our daily life. We have a great flow, a great routine, way less fighting and yelling, more constructive ways of problem-solving, and a lot more fun thanks to a few essential tools that we have consistently implemented.
I’m not saying that it's perfect... far from it.
We still have meltdowns (yes, even me). But at least we know how to handle them and move on in a way that fosters connection, instead of breaking it.
Maybe part of it is that the kids are just getting older, but one thing I know for sure is that since we started implementing Positive Discipline tools in our family life, things are way better.
And another thing I know is that Positive Discipline tools and strategies can also work for you.
If you are sick of the same morning or bedtime battles,
If you are tired of nagging and yelling,
If you want to find out how to foster independence in your child, eliminate common struggles and have a more harmonious home,
Then join me for a 6 Week Online Positive Discipline Workshop Series.
We will be using experiential methods to help parents get into the world of children to discover what really works and what doesn’t, and how we can use today’s challenges to teach long-term life skills.
You’ll learn:
• more about what Positive Discipline is
• how Positive Discipline can teach important life skills, such as responsibility, cooperation and problem-solving
• Why kids misbehave
• How to be kind AND firm
• Why and how to regulate emotions
• Alternatives to time out and traditional discipline
• How to deal with sibling fighting
• How to eliminate bedtime & morning battles
• How to set up family meetings for connection and effective problem-solving
• Other effective solutions to solve problems
• And more…
You will get to practice new skills through role-playing, and the parent helping parent model uses active student participation and group discussion as we learn and share our personal experiences.