Beijing Events

Winter Speed Networking Party

Nov 7 19:30 pm - 23:30 pm
Event QR Code
ENDCALL 工人体育场北路三里屯SOHO6号商场B1-1615

Beijing Foodies will be hosting our Winter Speed Networking party on Nov 7th, Saturday night at ENDCALL, one of the city-wise trending bars, right at the heart of Sanlitun. Come grab a drink and meet new people who are fun and have lots of stories to tell! Come and connect with more friends before the upcoming holiday season. For details and registration, please see the wechat article below or click the link

P.S. We’re also looking for volunteers to be part of the team for the event, you’ll attend the event for FREE, gain Event Management, Leadership experience as well as extending your professional network. Please fill the following form to sign up:


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