Beijing Events

The Future of EU-China-US Relations, Webinar

May 28 19:00 pm - 20:30 pm
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After decades of uninterrupted globalisation, the connections between the world’s three largest markets have never been more intertwined. Yet, between a trade war, geopolitical competition and the unexpected curveball of COVID-19, the EU, China and the United States now risk falling prey to making the kind of knee-jerk reactions that could leave the global system in a tangled mess. The surge in talk about decoupling and self-reliance begs the question, has the world reached ‘peak globalisation’?

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On 28th May from 19:00 to 20:30, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke will lead a webinar discussion with three champions of multilateralism to get a better grip on the EU-China-US triangle and the directions that their relations may go in. 

VIP guests joining the discussion include: 

Charlene Barshefsky, former US trade representative who oversaw the US side of the negotiations with Premier Zhu Rongji for China’s accession to the WTO in 2001; 

Jyrki Katainen, former EU Commission vice president and former prime minister of Finland, who spearheaded the EU’s work on jobs, growth, investment and competitiveness, and 

Mikuláš Dzurinda, former prime minister of Slovakia who led his country through its accessions to both the EU and NATO, and who is known for advancing a series of key market reforms.


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