This summer's STEM courses cover more content than regular school-based learning for science of equivalent age. We make learning science fun, addictive and expand young coders' creative minds. By joining our classes, students retention of learning increases by engaging on multiple levels. Our courses use customized kits for each lesson, while focusing on improving learning effectiveness and efficiency as well as motivating young learners.
Coding basics: WanTrain offers introductory courses to the exciting world of coding, where kids learn how things work and basic computer logic, such as drag and drop the blocks to create their games in Scratch.
App Building: The kids just love to explore app building while learning conditional programming concepts. This course combines coding with drawing and physics to explore momentum, acceleration and collisions! Within a few classes, kids learn how to build an app that lets them take pictures, assign pictures to canvases and share them via email, as well as how to create a card matching memory game.
Python Programming Language: Students will transition their experiences aquired in previous adventures into learning Python, one of the most powerful programming languages. This class develops their skills and problem solving mindset by building a more complex game while testing and overcoming bugs!
Data Science: This course will further challenge the students in the exciting world of Data Science to develop problem solving, critical thinking, and analytical skills necessary to tackle some of the biggest challenges of tomorrow! Students will learn the basics of statistics, will get deeper into Data Science with Python, and will master data cleansing using NumPy and Pandas Package.
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