Mountains surround Beijing to the North and West, providing extraordinary scenery, limitless hiking and outdoor opportunities, and fascinating mountain villages where people have maintained a traditional way of life for centuries.
This is the setting of The Hutong’s Northern Hills summer camp adventure; a trip geared towards having fun, exploring this beautiful area outside of Beijing, and encouraging a spirit of adventure and discovery!
The Hutong creates unforgettable travel experiences throughout China for students (and adults!) from international schools around the world. Since 2009, we have been running educational programs to off-the-beaten-track destinations across China: from the rainforests of southern Yunnan to the grasslands of the Mongolian steppe, all of our programs are meticulously researched and planned to optimize student learning and to offer fun, innovative, and immersive experiences.
As well as being a licensed travel operator across Greater China, The Hutong is at heart a transformative education company. We partner with leading schools to build programs that incorporate learning objectives and life skills, all the while maintaining absolute professionalism, and an impeccable safety record. From our team of international educators to our travel specialists, each and every Hutonger shares a passion for providing exceptional learning experiences.
Visit us online: https://education.thehutong.com