The abC Art Book Fair 2020 is finally here! I remembered going to the scene with Wood's friends last year, queuing for half an hour, less than an hour to go in, and chopping off more than 3,000 independent publications. Come see what's new this year !
Here, we are still very happy to announce that the 5th · 2020 abC Art Book Fair · Beijing will welcome 86 local exhibitors and 17 international publishing houses commissioned to exhibit ( click to view the list of exhibitors ). Focus on the unit "Books of the World, Unite!" will present more than 300 excellent art publications from four countries: Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland; 10 short films by world independent animation directors curated by the Finaci Animation Group It will be screened in three days in the "Screening Room". On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of abC, the first "abC Art Book Award" will also be officially launched during the book fair. You can read the winning works of the two international art book awards in the "reading room" and plan through the "abC Art Book Award" A series of forums on book making, documentation, distribution, and copyright to learn more about the status of the first award. More lectures, dialogues and workshops will continue to ferment in three days. abC = "always be Celebrating" , sharing the power and joy of art and bookmaking in three days. abC is also "always be Confident" , I hope you still have hope and confidence like us. This year is the fifth year that abC has "survived". For any group, five years is a staged small victory. This year we opened the abC Art Book Award to support local creation, founded a new podcast beginner radio station, and completed the first magazine... In the future, abC will have more new and specific actions that make our era worthwhile Be recorded and celebrated. I will meet soon, I hope you can " Give Me Five! Know more here: Click Me!