Beijing Events

One Planet One Community - Earth Day Webinars

Multiple dates 20:00 pm - 21:00 pm Toggle calendar
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22 April 2020 marks the 50thanniversary of the globally recognized Earth Day. The day has been ‘used’ to highlight enormous challenges, but also new opportunities and a better narrative for our future.

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Every year on this day, organizations and individuals around the world, attempt to bring attention to our degrading environment, and to remind those around them that there is only one planet that we have, that we are all in it together – it is our common home, and that being responsible in how we treat it is essential, if not, non-negotiable. 


While COVID-19 has disrupted and damaged lives globally, it has also compelled people to look beyond ‘business as usual’, question the status quo of how money is made and spent, and the fragile nature of our environment that has led to pandemics, such as that we are currently facing.

It would be appropriate to say COVID-19 is reminding people of our environment on a daily basis, and we believe that this is the mindset that we should all adopt if we want a future where such outbreaks are avoided, pollution is reduced, animal species are no longer extinct, and our future generations can live healthily on a thriving planet.

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