Beijing Events

100 Years, 12 Visions: The Evolution of Modern Beijing

Nov 9 15:00 pm - 18:00 pm
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Beijing Postcards Gallery, No. 97 Yangmeizhu Byway

“100 Years, 12 Visions: The Evolution of Modern Beijing” is the story on how Beijing has developed over the last hundred years. We start out at the Urban Planning Exhibition Center looking at the original shape of the city during the end of the Qing Dynasty. From the impressive miniature model in the museum we will also gain an idea on what the city looks like today, but what came in between these two different cityscapes we will explore when we start to walk. Only a couple of kilometers in to the narrow Hutong alleyways we will be able to find traces of the Early Republic, the Cultural Revolution, the Great Leap Forward and much, much more. Finally we will end at the Beijing Postcards gallery with a well deserved drink in our hands. We will look at maps from the Beijing Postcards collection all related to the 12 visions of the Capital that we have explored.
