Jul 16 19:00 pm -
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Xiao Zhang Kaochuanr Near GongTi Opposite Worker’s Stadium North Gate to the North behind the China Post Office to the East.工体附近-小张烤串 朝阳区工体北路邮局4号侧胡同内5米 工体对面邮局东侧
Love open-source and GNU software and Linux? Love chuanr? Of course you do, everyone loves chuanr. Join the BLUG (Beijing Linux/GNU User Group) for a night at Xiao Zhang Chuanr near Gongti for a fun, social evening with your people.
For more information or to RSVP, visit: https://beijinglug.club/event/blug-tuesday-chuanrs-night-in-summer/?instance_id=670
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