The world’s a mess! Climate change isn't stopping, and the globe's biodiversity is decreasing by the day. Feeling down about how you can make a difference as one person in the face of global disaster? As part of Global Shapers Social Impact Week 2019, join us Tuesday night (Dec 10) at the Opposite House to discuss how global citizens with skills and knowhow can have positive impact via sustainable practices and habits. The event will feature the following speakers and leave with you with actionable tips to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Please sign up via the Eventbrite link or by scanning the QR code: https://www.eventbank.cn/event/social-impact-week-sustainability-25004/.
1. Elsa Tang, Zero-waste activist, Lead for GoZeroWaste teams in Beijing, Hangzhou and Guangzhou
2. Chang Tianle, Founder of Beijing Farmers Market, Foodthink and Heyi Green Foundation
3. Jian Yi, Independent film maker and food activist