Beijing Events

Asterism (Japan) China Tour Beijing Stop!

May 2 21:00 pm - 23:59 pm
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RMB 80

Asterism hail from Fukuoka, Japan and are quickly rising up the ranks in the world of metal, literally!

The 3 piece are all less than 20 years old, played SXSW in the US this year, are huge in Japan, and are now visiting China for a quick jaunt through the live house circuit before hitting the May festivals. Asterism means a group of stars, forming a shape. Members choose this band name due to its meaning to express each of them as a shining star, but together they are much brighter, and create strong and everlasting music.

Asterism are no doubt destined for big stages across the world. Don't miss the opportunity to catch them tonight in our humble School Bar home!

RMB 80

Asterism: ///

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