Fusion Night at School Bar! End the weekend on a high note with a smorgasbord of musical options at tonight's show.
Set to play are melloncoly pop-rockers The Story Teller, Kamau and Dooder led blues outfit Great Buffalo Blues, psychedelic J-punk emo guys Dreamcatcher, and rounding out the line-up, one year old pop-rock five-some XingKong.
Show write-up: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/N4zRzRLpbsNe9msgOH6_bQ
RMB 40
The Story Teller: https://site.douban.com/TST/
Great Buffalo Blues
Dreamcatcher: https://site.douban.com/Roman45/
School Bar March Calendar of Shows: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/W844uEMexp0GzdrvwHYH0Q
School Bar: http://site.douban.com/school/
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