Warning, Not for the Faint of Heart: Peking Ultras Night!
Tonight set to take the stage at School Bar are a who's who in the punk scene, from skinhead punks Shave n' Shut and Uncle Bad, to punk legends Discord, ska veterans Early Bus, street punks Hangnail, and ultra punk troupe, Labor Glory!
Put on your drinking shoes and get ready for a night of punk rock and shenanigans! Going to be a fun one!
RMB 80
Shave n' Shut: https://weibo.com/p/1005055909834378
Discord: https://site.douban.com/punk/
Shochu Legion: https://site.douban.com/shaojiujuntuan/
Early Bus: https://site.douban.com/earlybus/
Uncle Bad: https://weibo.com/u/6351613362
Hangnail: https://site.douban.com/daoci/
Labor Glory: https://weibo.com/anhe369
School Bar: http://site.douban.com/school/
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