Music is about celebration, going in that direction Back2Basics have create [B:UNITE], it’s a platform manage by Back2Basics to Unite Local Artists all over China ,and for the first edition, our first guest will be KADRYNE, Chinese Artist born in Xinjiang, build his music carrier in Thailand and Singapore, her music have take her to play in cities like Chengdu , Guangzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Shenzhen, at the moment she is based in Xi’An and working in her own label Powerstation.
Back2Basics team up with InfraRouge to launch the first [B:UNITE] project, making it one big celebration, August 18 / Saturday, is the date selected for this new journey, we know is not easy to support local artist and more when every weekend you see artist flying from all over the world to play in Clubs in China, but we still believe the core value of music scene in China have to be the local artist and the support from the local community, so mark the date and be sure to groove with us! Support Artists: VIVIAN SHEN [Inner Mongolia] / JUAN GRANADOS [EL Salvador]