Beijing Events

Vegan Dinner Party & iAnimal VR Experience

Jun 10 15:00 pm - 18:30 pm
Event QR Code
Tianchu Miaoxiang Vegetarian Restaurant (Wudaokou branch, inside Tsinghua Science Park) 天厨妙香(五道口店)学堂路清华东门创业大厦1楼110室 (清华科技园内) / 电话: 010-62797078
¥60 RMB

A charitable vegan dinner party benefiting animals in Beijing. We gather to meet new people, learn about pet adoption and volunteer opportunities with local animal shelters.

For only ¥60 RMB per person, you can enjoy the great informative talks and a vegan dinner featuring the most popular vegan dishes of this restaurant!


You need to fill out the booking formto reserve your seat(s).

* 您需要填写表单订位

Booking form link:

Please notice: booking will close on Thursday 8th June at 22:00 Beijing Time.

The event features:

  • Free raffle tickets (for those who arrive on time before 15:30) with a chance to win: vegan chocolate, Veganuary wristbands, stickers, badges, vegan dining discount cards, eco-bags and much more! (Please notice, if you arrive later than 15:30, the raffle ticket will cost ¥10 RMB each).

  • Talk: Global Vegan Movement: Veganuary & Animal Equality (TACN)

  • Talk: Animal Adoption and Animal Welfare (A Voice for Animals).

  • Talk: Human and Animal Bond (International Center for Veterinary Services - ICVS).

  • VEGAN DINNER - delicious Chinese vegan food including 2 cold dishes, 10 hot meals, soup, dumplings, rice and fruits!

HIGHLIGHT OF THE EVENT: iAnimal VR experience (throughout the event)! Find out more about iAnimal

Hurry, limited space available! If you have any questions please contact Mariya [masked]).

Event Venue 活动地点: Tianchumiaoxiang (Wudaokou branch) 天厨妙香(五道口店)

Address 地址:北京海淀区学堂路清华东门创业大厦1楼110室(清华科技园内)Room 110, Floor 1, Innovation Tower, Xuetang Road, East gate of Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing (inside Tsinghua Science Park).

Venue Tel. 餐厅电话: 010-62797078

Event Sponsors 活动赞助:

Food allergy notice: All food listed on the event menu are vegan-friendly. Please be advised that the food on the menu may contain these ingredients: tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soya. For detailed information, please seek out venue staff for advice.




You need to fill out the booking formto reserve your seat(s).


Booking form link:

请留意:订位截止时间是北京时间 6 月 8 日周四晚 10 点。

仅 ¥60 元每人!您可以尽享当晚活动晚宴菜单上面的所有美食!活动内容包括:

  • 3:30 之前到达可免费领取抽奖小票,三位幸运嘉宾赢得奖品,包括:纯素巧克力、"纯素一月" 手链、贴纸、胸针、多家素食餐厅优惠卡、环保袋和更多惊喜!(*请注意:如果您在 3:30 之后到达,抽奖小票将收费每人 ¥10 元);

  • 演讲:国际纯素运动:“纯素一月”和“动物平等”(TACN)

  • 演讲:宠物领养和动物福(A Voice for Animals);

  • 演讲:人和动物之间的纽带关系(新天地国际动物医院);

  • 纯素晚宴-超过 12 道美味菜品供您品尝和享用。

活动亮点:iAnimal VR 虚拟现实 – 亲身体验动物视角。了解详情

位子有限,预订从速哟!如有问题请联系 Mariya 玛丽亚 [masked])。




活动主办:北京小动物志愿者团队 (Beijing Volunteer with Animals)

活动赞助:TACN 同理心慈善基金ThinkCloud 云想 (北京)



Vegan Dinner Party 10th June Saturday
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