Title: Philippe Bizot - 40 Years of Silence
Venue:Penghao Theater
Price: Student 70/150/270 (150*2) RMB
Tickets are available at https://en.damai.cn/event/tickets_117602/. You can book tickets at http://en.damai.cn/. If you have any questions about purchasing tickets, please call our hot line 400-610-3721 or 10103721 or send E-mail to ponypiao@damai.cn. Make sure you follow us in Twitter & Facebook to keep updated with all events info anytime anywhere.
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Philippe Bizot doesn't say a word on stage and yet, using exaggerated facial expressions and body movements, he expresses himself perfectly. "Silence is my language, my music, and my song," the 58-year-old French mime artist says. "The art of pantomime is a universal language, the language of emotion."