Early bird tickets are now available! 100 RMB a ticket, you best be quick!
THE BULK HOUSE is honoured to invite Bea Johnson - the founder and advocate of the zero waste lifestyle to share her inspirational story with an audience in Beijing. Bea Johnson, together with THE BULK HOUSE, would also conduct discussions and answer questions during the event for zero waste lifestyle. We will delve deep into our daily lives about how to reduce the use of disposable products, try to live with fewer things, streamline life and gain a more focused and efficient life. If you are worried about the environmental pollution caused by waste, if you are annoyed by the space occupied by a lot of idle things in your home and office, attending this night will surely enlighten you.
Bea Johnson was born in France and moved to California. Her family used to embrace the typical United States lifestyle, with a big house, filled refrigerators, and a huge amount of trash each week. Since 2008, Bea has transformed her family’s life for the better by reducing their waste to an astonishing one jar of trash every year. This may sound unbelievable, but Bea has made it happen!
With a fast-paced urban lifestyle, it has become completely normal to use single-use disposable products. The mass consumer psychology has prompted a large number of businesses to produce excessive packaging for their goods, the amount of unused goods that do not much else than gather dust is getting out of hand. There are too many things in our lives that are not the things we need, making a lot of garbage and polluting the environment and wasting resources. Bea Johnson realized this early and was brave enough to take steps to change this. Bea has completely tipped the way we consume, think and discard of things on its head. With her blog and bestseller Zero Waste Home, Bea launched a global movement and continues to inspire the community. The zero waste lifestyle that Bea pioneered is worth hearing whatever your perspective is on the environment or consumption, perhaps you will be interested to learn about these changes will without doubt increase your happiness. One's action is also a way to project your voice. From now on, let the world hear your voice.
THE BULK HOUSE founder, Yu Yuan (Carrie), has become an advocate of the zero waste lifestyle. It originated from reading and learning about Bea Johnson, which resulted in small changes in Carrie's daily life and then led Carrie on to quit her job and start China's 1st social enterprise that focuses on zero waste. Learning about the principles of zero waste, Carrie took the 5 R's and added in 1 extra, "Repair". THE BULK HOUSE's 6 R's: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle, Rot set the theme for their content, activities and workshops and for establishing a strong collection of zero waste products to make the zero waste lifestyle convenient for all.
If you would like to meet and hear from Bea Johnson and THE BULK HOUSE, or to be part of zero waste living. Please join us on Thursday 21st December at DayDayUp in Sanlitun.
THE BULK HOUSE is the 1st social enterprise in China committed to promoting the zero waste lifestyle.
We do this in 3 ways:
1. Create and promote valuable content.
2. Organising events revolving around the 6 R's in our logo.
3. Provide environmentally friendly products to make the zero waste lifestyle more convenient for all. We are proud to be a 1% For The Planet member. This means we contribute at least 1% of our annual sales to environmental causes.
Do you have question you would like to ask Bea Johnson on the night?
如你有任何问题想问Bea Johnson,欢迎在文末评论区踊跃留言,我们会把征集收到的所有问题整理出来问Bea Johnson,是时候发挥你的想象力了 :)