Finish off the weekend on an exciting note with four excellent bands!
JaJaTao, a true rock n' roll band with Chinese characteristics, this troupe mixes grunge with punk and has created something truly unique - don't miss them. Also set to play are Tettertotter, who have created an ambient indie-pop sound, indie dance punk dudes Brickleberry, and reggae punk rock band EXBJ.
Despite it being a Sunday night, don't miss out on this great show.
RMB 70 // RMB 50 in advance
JaJaTao: https://site.douban.com/jajaTAO/
Tettertotter: https://site.douban.com/teetertotter/
Brickleberry: https://site.douban.com/Brickleberry/
School Bar: http://site.douban.com/school/
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