What started once upon a drunken evening as simply a mild, scholarly disagreement between two of Beijing's most seasoned song selectors threatened to escalate into some manner of I-don't-know-what lest both parties be given their chance to claim righteous victory on the dance floor. The chosen proving grounds? 4corners of course, where each icon's anointed champion will and must answer his foe blow-for-blow, song-for-song until the dust settles. Will DJ and producer Jason aka Sunbrown carry the day with club scene sensibilities and an encyclopedic knowledge of all things Prince? Or will bar scene veteran Jon aka DJellis dominate the night with undeniable MJ anthems? Join us for a night of musical pugilistics as these two heavyweights pull out every remix, rare B-side, bootleg and producer credit they can dig up as they try to end this epic contest once and for all.