Light up these dim and smoggy Beijing winter evenings with an early Chanukah Celebration at Kehillat Beijing, the city’s only lay-led and progressive Jewish community. Following a special pre-Chanukah version of our weekly Shabbat services, we’ll have latkes, dreidels and sufganiot. Join us on Friday, December 9th at 6:45 PM for some kids' craft activities and games. We'll light candles around 7ish and begin lively Shabbat services, with a festive Chanukah meal to follow. Enjoy music, good company and festive activities for all ages.
Get a jump on the line (and latkes into your mouth faster) by paying for your meal online, ahead of time! (It'll also help us know how many to plan for so there are enough latkes for all).
We welcome any and all who wish to participate in and support Kehillat Beijing. Location is always the 3rd floor of the Capital Club Athletic Center. For more information and directions, check out our website at www.sinogogue.org