Saint Paul American School (SPAS) is a private residential school, part of the Nacel International School System, dedicated to meeting the educational needs of international students at the middle and high school level. Located near the Olympic Village Park, and partnered with Number Two High School attached to Beijing Normal University, SPAS offers both an American curriculum, as well as intensive study in Chinese language and culture. This arrangement provides a unique dual diploma system that is fully accredited by the NCA (North Central Association on Accreditation and School Improvement). Saint Paul American School’s intercultural program now serves students from 23 countries around the world, and is truly dedicated to providing a new concept of high school for future leaders in the global community.
Saint Paul American School provides a full US curriculum, with over 40 courses offered, ranging from the introductory to AP level. Students also take courses in Chinese language, culture, history, and art.
For students needing more academic support there is a peer tutoring program, as well as a nightly study hall in which certified teachers provide additional help. All students participate in an after school activity or club of their choosing. Emphasis is given to the fine arts.
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