This first branch of this restaurant opened in 2005 and introduced Beijing diners to dami mianpi (大米面皮), a cool and refreshing rice noodle dish that was an instant hit. Several huge porcelain bowls on the open counter partitioned by a glass window are filled with bean sprouts, soy sauce, black vinegar, garlic juice, and chili oil with floating sesame seeds. The chili oil is made with chillies from Qinchuan, a town in Gansu province, because the skin is thick and has a lot of meat – this is the best kind of chili for making chili oil. What makes mianpi special is the fragrance of the chilli oil as well as its fiery heat. You will also find other Sha'anxi specialties here, including qishan saozimian noodles with diced potatoes and carrots, roujiamo, or flat bread stuffed with pork, and paomo, a huge bowl of broken bits of unleavened bread filled with hot, boiling aromatic lamb broth, or juegen fensi, grayish almost black color brake-starched noodles dressed in sour and pungent dressing. Two newer branches are located in nearby Fuli Cheng and at the Landgent International Mall food court plaza.
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