Founded in 1995, Beijing 21st Century Experimental Kindergarten is the only municipal-level, private model kindergarten and early childhood education center in Beijing. With a total investment of more than RMB 100 million in the kindergarten program. Beijing 21st Century now has 18 branches and more than 5,000 students
in Beijing. All foreign teachers recruited at the kindergarten’s international department are qualified teachers in their home countries; experienced Chinese teachers discuss and
present courses in tandem with their expat counterparts. The school helps students develop independence, social skills, courage, and teamwork through experience-based learning, weekly
topics, international courses, Chinese culture courses, sports, and arts. Age range: 2-6. Tuition fees (2013-2014 Academic Year): RMB 2,000 (application fee); RMB 114,000 (Nursery); RMB 100,000 (K1-K3)
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