Beijing Guo Yi Hui Traditional Chinese Medicine Center
Guo Yi Hui provides expat-facing integrated healthcare services as well as a regularly host of Chinese cultural exchange events. Healthcare includes diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation in several departments spanning traditional Chinese medicine, dentistry, dermatology, rehabilitation, and beauty.
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Zheng's Abdominal Acupuncture Office
Zheng's Abdominal Acupuncture Office is a practitioner of the "eight diagrams" on the abdomen, which claims to balance internal organs and treat the specific body parts via the corresponding points on the abdomen.
The treatment is said to help everything from gynecological to gastrointestinal diseases, backache to eyestrain, and loss of hair to tiredness and anxiety.
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Da Fu Tang Chinese Medicine Center
Da Fu Tang Chinese Medicine Center specializes in TCM treatment and holds occasional martial arts, qigong, and tai chi training sessions.
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Kang Xin Yuan TCM Clinic
Kangxinyuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic is a clinic with a Practicing Qualification Certificate for Medical Institution of the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China. It provides a variety of Traditional Chinese medicine therapy methods and integrates Chinese herbs, acupuncture, Tuina-massage and health maintenance, and has formed diversified Taoism-culture medical system with distinctive features.
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Tony Clinic
Dr. Tony works as a psychological consultant, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor as well as a general practitioner.
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Beijing Yuyuantang Clinic of TCM
Beijing Yuyuantang Clinic of TCM was established in 2004, with the focus of serving diplomats and envoys, it provides services and consultation upon acupuncture, Chinese medicine, massage and etc.. The clinic also has a full reservation system, each patient can have private spaces. Most physicians provide bilingual language services (Chinese, Japanese, English, etc.). Health insurance can be accepted.
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Yanhuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic
Highly qualified TCM doctors specializing in a range of areas including pediatrics, gynecology and disease. Call for appointment. A consultation costs RMB 50-100. A healthy food center connected to the clinic offers functional food and herbal cuisine.
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Beijing 21st Century Hospital
Beijing 21st Century Hospital is a comprehensive healthcare facility, providing health examinations, medical care and health management for the international community in Beijing. Internationally experienced physicians and nurses provide world-class medical care in a comfortable, clean and quiet setting. Japanese management style, modern medical equipment and supporting electronic data systems continuously improve quality and efficiency of health care services.
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Herborist Spa
Shanghai's popular cosmetics brand has opened up a TCM-style spa in Beijing, offering traditional treatments with a modern twist.
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Acupuncture Therapy
Offers foot and body massage (RMB 40-158), scraping, cupping and moxibustion, ear candling and acupuncture (RMB 76 for 50 min).
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