Blog Tag - Wine Bars

Have a Wine Crawl With This Special Three Bar Event
There is the bar crawl, pub crawl, bar hopping, or whatever you might call it, but how often do you hear of a wine crawl? That’s what’s in store –...
Will Andingmen's Bottled Beer Crowd Take to New Wine Shop Drinkin?
Beijing isn’t exactly awash with wine bars or wine shops, especially when you consider the number of cocktail lounges and craft brewpubs popping up...
DP Joli's Just Might Be Your New Hutong White Wine Haven
The atmosphere at Joli's is as refreshing as the glassfuls of crisp white wine served at the bar. Yes, while many of us might assume that wine bars...
First Glance: Vinotheque
The ever-reliable Enoterra aside, Beijing is not exactly drowning in good wine bars (I was among the many who mourned the departure of Bar Veloce)....
Sostare: Bar Veloce Closes its Doors
There was sad news for the city's wine set Wednesday when it emerged that Bar Veloce in 1949 The Hidden City has closed its doors for the final time...