Blog Tag - TV Shows

Blame TV: The Anime that was Banned For Colorful Hair
The battle between anime and an older generation who just doesn't get it rages on, much like it has for decades. I still remember my parents placing...
Exhausted Netflix? Catch Up on the Best Chinese Content it Has to Offer
With this extra-long Spring Festival going deep into February, we're starting to realize keeping ourselves entertained is not as easy as once...
Trending in Beijing: Uniqlo Frenzy, World Renowned Pianist Lang Lang Marries, and GOT Doppelgangers in China
The fun, the strange, and the what-on-earth-is-this: a wrap-up of top stories in Beijing as told by the trending hashtags, local press, and general...
Chinese Pop Culture Primer: Andrew Moore Gives Behind-the-Scenes Glimpse of 'The Coming One'
Chinese Pop Culture Primer is a feature on the Beijinger that explains the ongoing trends in popular Chinese culture. The aftermath of a yet another...