Blog Tag - street eat

Street Eats: Cheap and Refreshing Zhajiang Noodles at Sanlitun Soho
After the opening of China World Mall and the Topwin Center, it may feel like Sanlitun Soho has lost its appeal as a foodie haven. And yet, this oft-...
Time-Honored Yangyuxing Hunan Noodle Shop Serves Spicy Noodles and Stinky Tofu to Warm You Up
When you think about Hunan cuisine, what comes to mind? Hongshaorou, spicy fish head, and stinky tofu. As a time-honored Chinese brand, Yangyuxing...
Street Eats: Hearty Cantonese Beef Brisket Noodles Near Chaoyang Hospital
Many foodies dream of living a food editor’s life, being paid to indulge in five-star hotel buffets, fine dining restaurants, fancy cocktail bars,...
Street Eats: Yummy vs. Yucky Cloudy Cotton Candy Ice-Creams
Here's a scary thought, as this extraordinarily humid and hot summer drags on: picture yourself going out without an ice-cold beer. How would you...
Street Eats: Alpacas and Egg Tarts At Cheese Bomb, Sanlitun Nanjie
Don’t get me wrong, we have no intention to eat cute and innocent alpacas but we did want to get a glimpse of a live one given their inherent...