Blog Tag - Pandemics

Talking Travel: The Wax And Wane of The Flights, More Pedestrians And Cyclists Friendly City Designs
50 percent of Qingdao flights indefinitely grounded As is always the case during Golden Week, upwards of half a billion people crisscrossed the...
Will the Show Go On? Regulations for Reopening of Entertainment Venues Offers Little Hope
Last week, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a litany of regulatory guidelines for livehouses, theaters, internet cafés, and other "...
It's Back (and Never Really Went Away): New H7N9 Case Reported
It has been about a month since we have heard of any new cases of H7N9, now a 61-year-old woman from Hebei province is the latest one. The woman...
H7N9: Even More Reasons to Worry
Before you roll your eyes at yet another H7N9 post, consider this: The numbers may be just a drop in the bucket compared to the population at large...