Blog Tag - Finance

Beijing Stock Exchange Opens Today, Here's What You Should Know
Following a late-summer announcement and a few months of hammering out the details, the Beijing Stock Exchange opened its doors today. Here's the...
No Free Lunch in This World: Be Careful With Consumer Loans When Using E-commerce Apps
It's no secret that with the development of e-commerce and cashless payments, spending money has never been easier. However, it's also no secret that...
The 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands Have Been Released With Few Surprises
You may be inclined to regard any company that takes a word ending in S and replaces it with a Z, suspiciously. Generally speaking, this is the...
Talking Tech: Driverless Vehicles Build Driverless Highway for Driverless Vehicles
A driverless highway built by a driverless construction team Last Monday, Xinhua News reported that roughly 100km of the new expressway connecting ...
Beijing Knocked From the Top of China's "Super Rich" List
Beijing's image as a cosmopolitan, elite locale was somewhat usurped on August 16, when Xinhua reported that the Chinese capital was overtaken by...
Get Your Business Cards Out: Tuesday is All about Business and Networking Events
Spring Festival is officially over as of Monday night, so it's back to business. Complete with clip art of business formal-dressed, disembodied...
Understanding the Five-Year Tax Rule for Foreigners: Do You Need a Tax Holiday in 2016?
The five-year tax rule for foreigners is something that most of us have heard about but often is not fully understood. In short, regardless of...
Another One? New Financial District Planned for Southern Beijing
It looks like the corporate crowd might be getting a new home with a new financial center planned for Beijing. According to the Wall Street Journal...
The World’s Richest Twenty People – Any Chinese? has just published a table of the twenty richest people in the world, as calculated by Bloomberg Markets. And with China...