Blog Author - George Ding

We Need to Talk About Beijing: Lionel Shriver Responds to Her Critics
When I, Lionel Shriver, wrote my column for Standpoint magazine, whingeing about Beijing’s...
George’s Guide to Chinese New Year
It’s amazing how many people still believe that Spring Festival is about new beginnings and the importance of family. Those quaint concerns might...
Yikes! Pride Comes Before a Fall
Let me tell you about the time I almost killed myself skiing north of Beijing. It was five years ago, and a friend of mine had the novel idea of...
Why I’m Coming Back to China
Two months ago I decided, like countless expats before me, that it was time to leave China. Well, after spending two months home in America, I’ve...
The Dark Night of Negotiation
Two months ago, I went to watch The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises at Shuangjing UME. It was the midnight premiere and they were...
Why I'm Leaving China
  First of all, you won’t believe the deal I got on airline tickets. Seriously, someone at Ctrip must have left off a zero because I’ve paid more for...
George’s Guide to Surviving the Rainpocalypse
Rule #1: Be wealthy. Studies show that wealth is the greatest predictor of whether or not your house will collapse during a...
Fleeced: The Haircut He’ll Never Forget
Seven or eight years ago, when I was in Beijing during summer vacation, I asked my male cousin, who styled his hair meticulously to resemble his...