NEXTDoc Film Festival at The Bookworm
Fourteen documentary films created by ethnic Chinese filmmakers from Los Angeles, New York, London, as well as Mainland China and Hong Kong are screening at The Bookworm between now and August 1 as part of the NEXTDoc Film Festival.
The festival, started by a group of young returnees from the US, focuses on cross-cultural stories and aims to support emerging filmmakers’ early-stage project development as well as help them get global distribution.
The opening took place last night and included the films Country in the Country, Boundless, All Under Heaven Are Equal, and Love in Beijing. Further screenings will be held at 8pm on July 25, 27, and August 1.
Here’s the line-up:
July 25
Bike与旧电钢 Bike and Old Electrical Steel
July 27
今天,你服务了吗?Today, did you do your service?
爷爷 Floating Life
美国华人移民家庭 语言文化身份认知 Chinese Immigrant Families in Gainesville (Language, Culture, and Identity)
August 1
说废话的人 The Men Talking Nonsense
我们 US
国家美丽 National Beauty
从北京到纽约 From Beijing to New York
Click here if you’d like to find out more about each director and their films.
If you’d like to attend the screenings, you can register here.
Image: evensi.pi