Chi Fan For Charity Raises over RMB 500,000 from 2015 Beijing Event

Beijing-founded organization Chi Fan For Charity raised over RMB 550,000 for 2015's two charity partners, Educating Girls of Rural China (EGRC) and Bethel China, and will present the donation on March 22.

"We want to give a big thank you to all of the restaurants, individuals, and sponsors that made this possible. Your continued support is helping others in our community and we look forward to seeing you all again this November," the group said in an email statement.

The latest total does not include Chi Fan For Charity Hong Kong, which was also held on Saturday, November 7, 2015 ,nor Chi Fan For Charity Shanghai, held on Saturday, November 14.

In all, 64 of Beijing's finest restaurants hosted more than 675 guests, with each restaurant donating a three-course meal plus wine for at least 10 participants, and each participant paying between RMB 500 to 1,500.

Founded in 2009 with a mission of giving back to the Beijing community, Chi Fan for Charity (CFFC) is a modern take on the standard concept of a large, gala charity dinner. The Beijing event is almost always held on the first Saturday night of November.

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Photo courtesy of Chi Fan For Charity