Down and Dirty, High and Dry: The Nitty-Gritty On Martinis in Beijing
Former American President Gerald Ford called the three-martini lunch “the epitome of American efficiency.” While we don’t necessarily associate martini guzzling with efficiency, it is hard to deny the culture that surrounds this classic drink. Some say the martini came from the Martinez (a variation that included maraschino liqueur), or a Moroccan barman in Paris threw an olive in a glass and said “that’s a Martini man!” However, since it was created, it has become a staple drink, with countless variations. Here are some of the old, new, and most fun-inducing martini experiences that we’ve found in the capital.
The Mortini – Morton’s Steak House (RMB 45)
Their Mortini doesn’t deviate from the norm in any way, as it’s essentially just Barton’s Gin, shaken and garnished with an olive stuffed with blue cheese. However, this doesn’t prevent it from being one of the best martini spots in the city. Between the hours of 5-8pm on weekdays, Morton’s serves up their Mortinis at RMB 45 a pop, with all-you-can-eat mini steak sandwiches. Essentially you come for the martinis, but stay to eat as many tender filet mignon steak sandwiches as you can, or warm-up with the martinis at the bar and then move into the dining room for something more civilized.
DIY Martini Featuring Small Batch Craft Gin – The Distillery (RMB 60-100)
To taste a little from what Beijing’s small batch gin boys are doing and how they work in a martini formula of three-plus ounces of gin and a thimble of vermouth, then check out The Distillery. You won’t find another gin like it in the world as they make it themselves, with new variations popping up all the time. They are constantly experimenting with new combinations of local and imported ingredients to build a gin that’s entirely their own. It’s buy-one-get-one free every Monday (7-9pm) for all Martinis and at various price tags depending on which gin, vodka or vermouth you choose to imbibe.
Rum Martini – Infusion Room (RMB 100)
If you are thinking, “hey wait a second, I hate vodka and gin, but I desperately want to like Martinis too”, maybe try one with rum. It’s delicious and is essentially not a Martini at all, but doesn’t lack the strength of the standard. These pyromaniac mixologists put a torch to some Chinese cedar to smoke out the glass before they add sweet and dry vermouth to spicy dark aged rum, and then top it off with a dash of chocolate and plum bitters. The drink is served with an olive and a square of dark chocolate on the side to complement the bold flavors.
Vesper 007 Martini – Revolution (RMB 65)
You can probably map the rise and fall of martini popularity with the release of successful James Bond films. If you want the exact variation created by Ian Fleming in the first book of the series, Casino Royale, then make sure to head over to Revolution. With a notorious litera- day vodka habit, Fleming developed this incarnation and named it after the story’s heroine, Vesper Lynd. Try it out at Revolution, made to the exact specs of the original, including Russian-style grain vodka (Ketel One), Gin (Bombay), Lillet Blanc (a French aperitif similar to vermouth), then shaken (not stirred) and served with a large lemon peel.
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Photos: Kipp Whittaker