Beijing's Most Interesting People 2014: 京A's Alex Acker and Kristian Li
The year is drawing to a close, and once again we wanted to look at the people who are helping to shape our lives here in Beijing. So we looked at the artists, the chefs, the entrepreneurs, and a whole lot of other people who are making their mark on the city – and on us and our lifestyle – and put together this look at 10 individuals who are giving it their all. Each one of them is a true Beijinger, regardless of the length of their stay: creative, determined, and hard-working.
Alex Acker and Kristian Li
京A Brewing Co.
In a city with a growing number of craft beer options, 京A’s Kristian Li and Alex Acker are focused on doing their best to stay ahead of the game. In 2014, this has meant expanding their existing brewery space at The Big Smoke by 50 percent, gaining international recognition for their beer by winning a bronze medal for their Flying Fist IPA in the highly competitive “American – Advanced Beer” category at the Asia Beer Cup, and opening up a long awaited taproom in south Sanlitun’s 1949 Hidden City. “If you look at our business over the years, there have been a series of milestones, and the Taproom is definitely one of the most important,” Li says.
Speaking about what keeps them excited about Beijing, he goes on: “As a brewer in Beijing, the best part about what we do is being able to get out and meet local farmers. For example, for our Toasted Chestnut Bitter, we went to one of the best chestnut producers in Huairou, whose crop is so good it’s mainly sold for export. We try and brew beers with “Chinese characteristics”, using local and seasonal ingredients.”
Looking ahead, they expect 2015 to be just as interesting. “Whatever happens, the most important thing is we don’t take our eye off the ball in terms of beer. We’re brewers at heart and we want to get back to making great beer.”
More stories by this author here.
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Photo: Thomas Rippe