Beijing’s Dongyue Temple and Their 19 Incredible Taoist Gods

Editor's Note: Asia Obscura's Andy Deemer has been kind enough to let us rummage through his archives for some of his best posts from his Beijing days. We're sharing them here to give you some inspiration to get out and explore our city if you're sticking around town over the holiday week.

So the rapture left you behind, eh? Feeling cheated? Looking for a new deity?

Try Taoism. These gods will kick your ass!

Okay, maybe not all of them. Some, like this swarthy fellow, will just make sure when you’re reborn, you’ll get your deserved rank. Fail to accomplish enough good in this lifetime? You’ll be birthed as a “low class flying bird,” forced “to go on pecking at food” to stay alive. Sounds bad, but read on!

Read the rest of this post at AsiaObscura.
Photos: Andy Deemer