Do the DongDong: Musical Festival and Convention Kicks off Nov. 7th
The temperature may be dropping but Beijing's music scene is heating in November with the Dong Dong Music Festival and Convention - a four-day live music and industry showcase featuring some of the hottest and most progressive bands from Beijing and around the world, organized by Beijing music industry veterans Kaiguan Culture.
Festival founder Leo de Boisgisson explained in an interview with Agenda that the Dong Dong aims to "provide both a platform for artists and music professionals who are interested in China and vice versa" and she's lined up an impressive array of local and international bands and speakers for the performance and talks, which will be taking place in various Dongcheng District venues including Yugong Yishan, Temple, Dada, Penghao Theatre, Hot Cat Club and The Other Place.
The live showcases kick off on November 8th with the "Durex Rock n' Love Night" at Yugong Yishan featuring Beijing electro-rockers Nova Heart, classical (with a contemporary edge) pianist Francisco Tristano and Franco-American dark mood-masters St.Lo (doors open at 9pm).
Temple will be playing host to minimalist Beijing rockers White+ (a Carsick Cars side project), Taiwan shoe-gazers Skip Skip Ben Ben and experimental Chinese folk-rockers Whai! (doors open at 10pm).
And over at Dada the SBVKBLT showcase will feature a lineup of DJs including Vietnamese bass and beats maven Jase, Thai drum and bass DJ Dragon, Dubplate Manila Dub maestro Red I and vocalist Soulflower, Shanghai DJ (and Shelter founder) Drunk Monk, and soulful Shanghai chanteuse Cha Cha (doors open at 10pm).
Check this link for ticketing information. If you are interested in attending the conferences as a delegate, click here for more information and watch this space for more on the festival.