Q&A: Rotaract Beijing
Rotaract Beijing is a community service organization sponsored by the Rotary Club of Beijing. Since 2009, they have been collaborating with local charities to host fundraisers and speakers, as well as to raise public awareness of ongoing volunteer opportunities. This month brings us their Artjamming Fundraiser (Feb 25), with proceeds benefitting Shelterbox. We asked their treasurer, Crystal Lo, about what to expect from an evening of painting and socializing over wine.
Why art?
Most people never touch a paintbrush again after primary school, which is unfortunate because you don’t have to be a professional artist to get a little creative and have fun. The idea of Artjamming is that you can take one of your own creations home, and this will be a great reminder that you contributed to a worthy cause.
I can drink and socialize, but I can’t paint. Can I still come?
Of course! Anyone can get creative, especially after a glass or two of wine!
How do you choose which charities to collaborate with?
A hallmark principle for Rotary and Rotaract is The Four-Way Test, which guides the types of charities chosen and the projects that are run:
1) Is it the truth?
2) Is it fair to all concerned?
3) Will it build goodwill and better
4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Tell us more about Shelterbox.
Shelterbox (www.shelterbox.org) is an international disaster relief charity that provided significant assistance in the 2008 Sichuan ear thquake, 2009’s Typhoon Morakat (Shanghai region) and 2010 earthquake in Tibet. Each Shelterbox is a lifesaving box equipped with items (e.g. a tent, stove, cooking utensils, toolkit) needed to shelter a family of up to ten after a natural disaster where homes are displaced.
What else does Rotaract do here?
We have our annual food and clothing drives, Halloween parties and outings for Guang Ai Orphanage, sports days for Beijing Huiling Community Services, pub quizzes for charity and, more recently, a Thanksgiving pumpkin pie cooking class in collaboration with The Hutong.
Rotaract Artjamming Fundraiser takes place Feb 25 from 6-10pm at Pekin Fine Arts. The venue has been sponsored by Pékin Fine Arts with wines sponsored by The Wine Republic.
Rotaract Clubs can be found in over 170 countries. If you are 18-30 years old, a foreign passport holder and interested in helping the community, you are welcome to join. Visit www.rotaractbeijing.org for more information.
Click here to see the February issue of the Beijinger in full.
Photo: artjamming.com