Jiong Jiong: Dragon on the Decks

We asked Haze regular Jiong Jiong about the Chinese zodiac, early morning listening and her DJing inspirations. Happy Year of the Dragon.

What’s your zodiac sign?
I’m also a Dragon. You?

Er, Rooster. Thanks for asking. So what are Dragons supposed to be like?
Not sure ... Anyway, I don’t really believe in that stuff.

Fair enough. What’s the first thing you listen to in the morning?
Easy music, old-school music like Nina Simone or Al Green.

Which DJ most inspires you?
Sven Dohse. I saw him in Berlin last summer. The way he played seemed so easy and natural, the feeling never went down.

And who in Beijing do you most enjoy DJing with?
I really like DJing alongside Yang Bing. He’s got a lot to teach, and his sets are always a blend of different styles, rhythms and emotions.

Jiong Jiong plays Feminight every Wednesday at Haze.

Click here to see the February issue of the Beijinger in full.

Photos: Sui