Where Will They Park the Reindeer? SantaCon Hits Beijing
Yep, it’s that time of year again: when rowdy Santas take to the subway like scarlet blobs of lipids and white blood cells intent on clogging up the city’s transportation arteries, lubricated only by the non-milk beverages imbibed at bar stops along the way.
What’s that? You want to be one of those sodden St. Nicks too? Figures. Just be warned that once you go down that road, you’ll find yourself sitting on a throne of lies. And smelling of beef and cheese. But I imagine some of you are into that.
As briefly mentioned in Talking Pints yesterday afternoon, the festivities will begin at noon on Saturday, with two meeting points:
1. Bang! Bang! Pizza in Shuangjing
2. Pyro Pizza in Wudaokou
At the Pyro location, would-be participants can still purchase a Santa suit before the kickoff, and proceeds of those sales will go to charity. Quantities limited, though. If you want other options for suit-buying, or more info on tips and rules in general, check out the Beijing SantaCon website here. You should also remember that the classic Santa costume is not a must. Other characters, like Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, milk, cookies, etc. are welcome. Plain clothes and a santa hat? You can do better than that.
At both meeting points, you’ll start with some face-stuffing (BYO lunch money) before waddling onto the subway for a naughty and nice ride across the city. Just be sure to control yourselves. As we’ve learned from the string of life lessons doled out by the estimable (and totally uncreepy) Billy Bob Thornton, nobody likes a bad Santa.
For non-aspiring Santas, this should make for some good photo ops throughout the day. Have your cameras ready as a flush of Father Christmases hit the subway.
Photo: Gothamist.com