Is This Beijing's Brainiest Bartender?

CONTESTANT: Pat Walsh, The Green Cap


What is the colored part of your eye called?

Of me eye? Retina. Don’t know. ×

The word “lupine” refers to which animal?

Don’t know, deer. Haven’t a clue. Don’t know. Haha. Deer. ×

Who was the winning quarterback in February’s Super Bowl?

Ah, I don’t know but I’ll guess Rodgers. Yeah, somebody gave me his shirt.√

Where was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?

He was on the toilet. ×

What was Nintendo’s original line of business?

How did Nintendo start out? Oh! Eh ... Let me think. Making machines for factories. Haven’t a clue. ×


In which Irish county did Arthur Guinness begin brewing beer?

Eh, it was Dublin. No. I don’t know, Kilkenny? Haven’t a clue. ×

In which decade was Guinness first exported?

Right, let me think … [long pause]. Probably about the ’30s. Wait, right. They started in 1759 … It was first probably exported in 1762, but I haven’t a clue. Something like that.√

According to a famous anecdote, U2 singer Bono was convinced that the best pint of Guinness was to be found in which country?

Never heard it before, but I’ll say … England? Was it in London maybe? ×

What’s the bar in the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin called?

Ah, the Gravity Bar. I was only there in the summer. √

What was the surname of the twins who compiled the first
Guinness Book of Records?

Oh! Haven’t a clue. Can’t even guess ’cos I’ve got a customer in now … I better go! ×


1) iris 2) wolf 3) Aaron Rodgers 4) the theater 5) card games 6) Kildare 7) 1760s 8) Jamaica 9) Gravity Bar 10) McWhirter

Verdict: If Pat had a point for every time he uttered “Haven’t a clue,” he’d be leading the pack. As things turned out, he registers a respectable – by Beijing standards – 3 out of 10. Stop by The Green Cap on St. Patrick’s Day for a healthy pint of Guinness with Pat.

The Green Cap Bar
Tue-Sun noon-late. 100m north of main entrance to Western Academy of Beijing, Laiguangying Donglu (off the Airport Expressway), Chaoyang District (186 1174 7939)