When life gives you freezing temperatures, don’t fight it – embrace it instead! This month’s Cover Feature puts the spotlight on ski resorts in greater Beijing, Hebei’s Chongli region and Dongbei, with all the up-to-date info you need to schedule your next powder trip.
In the FOOD & DRINK section, we go great gums in Taste Test and our Dining Feature invites you to explore Japanese regional cuisines without ever leaving Beijing. If it’s southern Chinese food you’re craving, you’re in luck – we’ve got recommendations for Teochew-style seafood and HK-style desserts. The masterful Kuroki Koji of Ichikura works his mixological magic in our Cocktail Profiler column and Lexie Morris of Lollipop Bakery describes her ideal “last meal” in Beijing. We also highlight the latest trend in KTV (hint: crazy themed rooms!). Plus, as always, our reviews of the newest bars and restaurants.
In our GO section, we’ve put together an apartment glossary and checklist that you’ll want to clip and save for the next time you go house-hunting. Also, how well do you know your favorite TV shows? Would you be able to identify the show titles even under the disguise of their weird Chinese translations? Find out in our noggin-tickling quiz. We’ve also got new venues to interest aspiring taggers and motion-graphics compositors alike, we preview gigs by The Ataris and SkyBlu, and introduce you to our cover star, NOSKI. Lots of great prizes in our Featured Giveaway section, too.
And then there’s all these new friends we’d like you to MEET. 65daysofstatic made us ecstatic by waxing lyrical about their hometown, we follow a “couchsurfing drifter” from Serbia to China, and we take a moment to salute Robbie Burns. Big John of Café CD Blues shares his Playlist, Julien Tang invites you to browse his Bookshelf and filmmaker Robert Ingi Douglas shares his highbrow and lowbrow faves in Screentime. We also find out if local musician Parker Trevathan truly is the Frank Zappa expert he claims to be.
Finally, we look at the ecological impact of snow-making, witness the Peking Man’s life-changing ski jump and our Events section makes sure you start 2013 with the hottest activities. Get the PDF here or find a copy around town.
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