Art Museum (Meishuguan)-美术馆

Joined: Nov 12, 2015
Posts: 116

Hi, I’m Ivy, a local Chinese speaking standard mandarin and excellent English with master degree in language training. Custom tailored curriculum and abundant teaching materials like HSKs ,YCTs and BCTs are provided. The class is always fun and students say I am a professional, easy-going and responsible teacher.
WeChat: 18987176401


Bentu One

E6·本土一间室内改造项目是位于原北京胶印厂的一个11m×14m的长方形地下空间。该项目由专注于材料实验的跨界品牌 BENTU本土创造与关注中国当代城市现实的建筑机构 URBANUS都市实践联合启动,模块展台配套的混凝土“魔方”通过向唐纳德·贾德(Donald Judd, 1928-1994)致敬的方式再次暗示了来自极简主义的脉络,既可作为方凳,亦可堆叠成展墙或展台,组装上金属腿也可作为边几,在面积有限的地下空间内,与人形成相对开放的互动关系。

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