The duck meat. The balance of fat and lean meat is right in the middle of Quanjude and Dadong. As a cholesterol lover, I wouldn't mind Quanjude's fatness although it does spoil my stomach a little after a while. But I do mind Dadong's thinness. How do they expect someone to chew on something hard like that?
The duck taste. When the meat is just perfect, it's hard to be disappointed unless the cooking and the sauce are terribly bad, which they are not. Besides the traditional dipping sauce and stuff, they also offer a Cantonese style sauce to eat with. It's a interesting touch, esp for people who are not used to the baldness of North Chinese cuisine.
The atmosphere. Unlike Dadong's swanky and Quanjude's touristy. Duck De Chine is very mysterious, artistic and elegant. From the paintings on the wall to the beautiful duck decoration on the table, it simply makes you feel like having a good appetite. Another reason I like here more than DaDong and Quanjude.
The others. Besides duck, the restaurant also serves dim sum, lamb feast and a few western dishes... no comments on them.
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