Jun 29 18:30 pm - 20:30 pm
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emily.yukes's picture
Joined: Dec 10, 2016
Posts: 143
Yale Center Beijing 36th Floor Tower B of IFC Building 8 Jianguomenwai Avenue Chaoyang District, Beijing (Yong'anli Subway Station, Exit C) 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层(永安里地铁站C出口)
RMB 120, RMB 60 (students)
This chamber concert will feature four representative masterpieces from the Classical, the Romantic, and the Modern period. Within one hour, you will experience the whole range of Western classical music from France, Russia, Germany and Austria. Please join us for an extraordinary evening of chamber music with two Yale alumni and a Yale student.
For more information or for tickets, visit: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yZA8klTqFVEOjddDV7M4tg
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