Most Girls Smell Good presents a DJ workshop with WildWata for aspiring female and female-identifying dj’s at FruitySpace in Dongsi on October 1st. This workshop will provide a safe and comfortable space where WildWata will share her experience as a DJ, do a short presentation on the history of Djaying and female dj’s involvement in the industry, followed by a masterclass on the basics of DJaying.
The workshop will be followed by a ladies night showcase with WildWata and JustSYD on the decks, and after that an open slot to any lady that would like to play a set, an instrument or showcase any talent.
Time: 7:30 pm - 9 pm workshop (9 pm to late ladies night party)
When: October 1st, 2017
Where: Fruityspace 13 Meishuguan Dong Jie
For more info and to sign up for the showcase please email: sid.sidwaba@gmail.com or Wechat: SidSydSS
女性音乐人组织Most Girls Smell Good将于10月1日在水果空间为所有女性音乐爱好者带来一个DJ工作坊。在一个安全而舒适的环境中,来自北京的DJ WildWata将分享她成为一名DJ的经历,简介DJ历史和女性DJ在此行业中的参与,并教大家一些基本的DJ技术。
工作坊结束后,欢迎朋友们来参加Lady’s Night Party. WildWata和DJ JustSYD为大家带来由女音乐人参与制作和演绎的old school disco, soul, hip-hop, reggae, 与electronica. 这个活动同时也是一个Open mic, 如果你愿意演奏乐器,唱首歌,或者放会儿歌,都欢迎你上台!
时间:10.1. 2017 -- 7.30 - 9pm 工作坊,9pm以后Ladies Night Party