Craft beer heavyweights Stone Brewing Co. are coming to China. These pioneering purveyors of the hoppiest and most badass IPAs known to mankind are making stops in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu, bringing with them archived rare beers and Stone’s co-founders and CEO.
不久前我们发布了加州精酿巨头STONE首次中国巡回的消息, 不想上海站的VIP入场券当天便被一扫而空。这篇报道就让我们为你全方位解析Stone北京,上海,成都三地的行程,及参加方式。小贴士:如果你错过了上海站的限量入场券也不必担心,因为8点以后入场可以直接购买Stone新鲜空运的14款生啤,每款都是第一次来到中国!
时间 When
11月3日 下午4点起
Friday, November 3, from 4 pm
地点 Where
北平机器 Beijing Peiping Machine Taphouse
工体西路8号楼 8 Gongti Xi Lu
入场 Tickets
Free entry! Those that pre-register for the event get a free 1-month membership to imbeer. Scan the QR code in the flyer to register.
Stone Tap Takeover
- 14 Fresh beers FLOWN in from San Diego
- From 7 to 8:30 pm, a meet & greet with Stone Co-founders Greg Koch and Steve Wagner, as well as CEO Dominic Engels
- Anyone who buys 3 glasses of Stone draft beer will receive a commemorative “Stone x Peiping Machine” t-shirt designed by Stone’s graphic artists in California
- Live band, fresh food
- 14款空运生啤首次抵京
- 晚间7点至8:30与两位创始人Greg Koch & Steve Wagner, 以及现任CEO Dominic Engels亲密互动
- 所有购买三杯生啤的客人获赠一件“Stone X 北平机器”纪念版T恤,
- 整晚现场乐队表演,新鲜美食相伴