May 28 13:00 pm -
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If you enjoy spending time in the hutongs or are looking for more reasons to go there, on the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday we can offer an inviting reason. On Sunday, May 28th at 1pm, craft sausages and grilled vegetables paninis, as well as beer specials, will be waiting for you in one of Beijing's most traditional hutong courtyards. There's no better way to start this summer holiday!
无论你是否享受胡同里的快乐时光,这个端午节,给你一个不得不来的理由!<br>5月28日星期天下午1点,Salsicceria italiana将与“The other place”酒吧合作组织本季第二次室外烧烤活动。意大利手工香肠,烤蔬菜帕尼尼和特价啤酒将在北京最传统四合院里等你来尽情享用,假日时光尽享于此!